Author - alextalentum

Trafic 2017

Equinsa Parking has the pleasure of inviting the International Exhibition of Safe and Sustainable Mobility, TRAFIC 2017, where we will present the innovations of our parking systems.

We are waiting for you at Stand 14C04 of IFEMA


Address: Av. Partenón, 5. 28042 Madrid

Date: 24 – 27 OCTOBER 2017

Parkopolis 2017

Equinsa Parking has the pleasure of inviting you to the Parkopolis 2017 exhibition so that you can identify and interact with our parking machines.

The appointment will be from June 21 to 22. You can visit us in our Stand A02.

We count on you!

Intertraffic México 2016

Equinsa Parking has the pleasure of inviting you to the Intertraffic Mexico 2016 exhibition to meet and interact with our parking equipment.

The appointment will be from November 16 to 18. You can visit us at our Stand 311.

We hope to see you there!

VI Congreso Ibérico de Aparcamiento y Movilidad Urbana

During the days 9, 10 and 11 of the next month of November, Tarragona will become the headquarters of the sixth edition of the Iberian Congress of Parking and Urban Mobility. An appointment that recognizes the effort of the city in the deployment since 2012 of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (PMUST), where parking was a fundamental part.

Equinsa Parking has the pleasure of inviting you to meet and interact with our parking equipment. You can visit us in our Stand nº6.

We hope to see you there!

Nassica Renews and Dresses in Lights

The Nassica Shopping Center is renewed to update and expand its offer in products and services.

To optimize the quality of services to users, Nassica has signed an agreement with Equinsa Parking, a leading company in offering products and solutions for the parking sector, which has a long professional experience and extensive network of facilities in service, in shopping centers in different countries of Europe and South America.

The agreement has consisted in the installation of different solutions, developed by Equinsa, that will allow the Manager of the Commercial Area to optimize the available resources for parking vehicles of visitors to the Shopping Center. The systems installed have been:

GUIA_Sonnar System, of Equinsa Parking, to give quick information and help to the user, about the available places in each of the sectors in the Underground Parking, of the Shopping Center.

System of Transit of Vehicles in Surface, that will allow to the manager to orient to the users on the zones with more capacity of seats available in each moment.

RAMA systems, for the recognition of license plates, in the different accesses and exits of the Shopping Center.